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9-11-11 Ten Years Later! (2011-09-11)
Conscious Peace Creator!
Ten Years Later...
And what have we learned?
A few weeks from now marks ten years since the horror,
confusion, and heartbreak of 9/11.
As spiritual beings ever awakening, we may now ask, "What have we learned?" and "How have we changed?"
To find your answers and create a powerful healing, both in our communities and on the planet, add your energy and prayers to an outdoor Coexist experience the morning of 9/11 in George Rogers Park in Lake Oswego at 10:30am.
See the attached flyer: Coexist Flyer for 9/11/11
Come together with members of the Muslim Community in prayer and a powerful message of change. Rev. Shelly Fayette, Episcopalian Pastor will lead us in a Memorial prayer. Kathleen Verigin will take us through a meditation to commemorate 9/11. Included will be speakers and musicians from the greater spiritual community.
Experience the powerful music of the Holy Molys & Friends, as they raise the healing vibration.
Afterward, enjoy a Community Potluck together - Bring your favorite dish to share.
It all begins 9/11/11 at 10:30am at George Rogers Park in Lake Oswego. Potluck at noon. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs.
As Gandhi said, "Let's all 'Be the Change' we want see in the World".
Please forward this email to any and all who may be ready to add their presence to Peace on Our Planet.
Blessings to You,
Coexist Celebration ~
01962 SW Military Rd, Portland, OR 97219