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Celebration Church Reunion and Christmas Party!! (2011-12-2)
Greetings Spiritual Family,
It's a Celebration a Christmas "Party" Dec. 18th, 10:30 a.m. at Stafford Woods. (See address and directions below.)
Let's, together, step into the Christ Consciousness. This will be like no other Sunday morning experience we have ever created. It's a Celebration, a life changing lesson, a party, and a Holy gathering.
You see, it's coming, 2012! The big one. Will it be the end of the world as we know it? I think so. If we approach it in the right mind. All of the doom and gloom hype over 2012 is backwards. The Mayans were predicting the birth of a new consciousness. An awakened mind. And the story of the birth of Jesus and the life of Jesus was a seed planted that is now coming to fruition.
I, personally, have been experiencing miracles upon miracles. I believe this is the norm. We are meant to be miracle workers, we simply must align our mind with the new consciousness arising.
I hope you will join me and the rest of our family in Spirit for an experience that will leave you walking on pillows, on feathers, on air.
Peace Be,
Coexist Celebration ~
01962 SW Military Rd, Portland, OR 97219