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 Barry Dennis 
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I have been an integral part of the ministry at many churches for as long as I can remember. At 15 I became president of the youth group at the church I was attending and was a regular soloist for the adult service! At 16 I won a statewide competition for the best teenage speaker with my original presentation called, "Teens, we get no respect." Even in that first speech, there was a positive, spiritual message. That's where it all started!

During college, as a Communications major, I supported myself doing stand-up comedy and performed with my band, Secret Agent. I wrote the music and the skits, which continued to be inspirational in nature.

Truthfully, throughout my whole life, the most important thing to me has always been the pursuit of spiritual truth, and music! Since those teen years, I 'drank' every spiritual book I came across, like a guy who had been walking through the desert for weeks, always thirsty to KNOW, to UNDERSTAND, to AWAKEN to the Christ Consciousness within. This has been the only journey that has ever really mattered to me. Knowing that we are spiritual beings having a human experience says it all. That's it! The 'big' idea is to awaken to this truth, to merge the physical with the spiritual, so that we can transcend and embrace all that this life experience is meant to be. My greatest joy is to be in the creative flow! But, nothing is more gratifying than playing with my family: my wife, Heather; my two boys, CJ and Xander; and our two dogs and of course the cat!

In the '90's I was the music Director and creative consultant at one of the biggest churches in America, at the time, called Living Enrichment Center. During those years I also toured with many well-known spiritual leaders such as Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Alan Cohen, Dr. Harold Bloomfield, and Deepak Chopra, just to name a few!

At the age of 36, the Divine Discontent set in! I was looking for something different, something unique, something on the cutting edge! I thought my ideas for a '21st Century Church' were just that; however, I came upon a lot of naysayers when I presented it to other churches. After much deep inner work, I knew it was mine to do and thus Celebration Church was founded! We met at first in the Oregon Zoo! Seemed quite appropriate actually! Within three years, we had grown to several hundred people and we moved to our present location in Wilsonville, Oregon. After 7 years, the Divine Discontent set in again! I know that starting Celebration was an integral part of the purpose of my life, but now I saw the need for MORE.

John Lennon's song, Imagine, has stuck in my head and I thought, what if there was a place that we could all Coexist together, no matter what our religious or spiritual beliefs were? What if we could come together to Celebrate ALL faiths, ALL walks of life, each one as their own unique expression of the ONE TRUTH, which is, LOVE? What if! We could have Priests, Rabbis, Monks, Preachers and Ministers of all faiths and we could join together in the common goal of Peace; Peace of Mind, and Peace of 'Planet'! We could meet in all kinds of different places, essentially becoming a church without walls, where those would come who may never even step foot in an actual church building.

Thus, the vision of COEXIST CELEBRATION was created!

It is my hope that by experiencing the Joy, Peace, Harmony and LOVE that is present at each COEXIST CELEBRATION, we can each take that experience into the world, and someday we will see a world where war is a thing of the past, and... "the world will be as one!"

Blessings to ALL,
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    01962 SW Military Rd, Portland, OR 97219
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